Just thot of sharing with you a sketch done by mummy when we were at the Costa Cafe. She really got the talent don't you think so? By the way, that's daddy with the goatie. . .
We really miss you so much!!
now i realize it's a shared blog. a bit confuse earlier :)
I even have doubt at first. But i'm glad it works. Sometimes, the world are kind to those less fortunate being like me. By the way, I was like a gift from my mom to my dad and vice versa, hence the name 'Hadiah'. Thank You so much.
Observant, Happy-go-lucky and Friendly. Love lots of laugh. Enjoy companion but at times want to be alone. I simply adore and love my Mom and Dad for they have taught me the true meaning of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING
now i realize it's a shared blog. a bit confuse earlier :)
Indeed it is. I tried to be the medium for them to communicate. I just wanna see them happy.
Thanx for your comment. (",)
i never thought blog can be use as a communication medium as well. unique name u have :)
I even have doubt at first. But i'm glad it works. Sometimes, the world are kind to those less fortunate being like me.
By the way, I was like a gift from my mom to my dad and vice versa, hence the name 'Hadiah'. Thank You so much.
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