Monday, June 05, 2006

Da Vinci Express

There are days when we just love to cuddle at home, and there are days when we just love to share our love in public.This is just one of those days.

We started off rather late in the evening. We went to get ourself fitted for a same colour suit dress jacket. We had our lunch and we also had a moment of silence when an argument erupted. Nonetheless, it did not last long. We just dont have time to ponder on pointless arguments and starts hugging and kissing each other.
We then stop for dinner at the 'Thai Express' for the fabulous Phaad Thai. Mummy Hadiah had a "Prawn Phaad Thai" whilst daddy had a 'chicken version' instead. Yummy!!
It was a movie day out afterall and we decided to watch 'the Da Vinci Code'. It was a cleverly edited movie with precise script and storyline. 4 out 5 stars!

The day was over so fast that the time spent together felt so little.

I wish i had more time to spend with you my love. I wish that you are here with me, now. . .

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